P6B 2023/24

Term 4 Overview

P6B term 4 overview

Dark Energy - Short Stories

We have been working on some short burst creative writing thinking about up-levleing the imagercy and vocabulary to enagage our readers. Some of us are still working on our stories but here are some that we have finished.  We have tried really hard to do our best handwriting too. What do you think?

Star Pupils 9/02/24

Violet & Daisy

Our January Pupils of the month 

Oliver & Catriona

Week 2 & Week 3 stars of the week. 

Lexia Superstar

Congratulations to Logan who completed Level 9 on Lexia this week. Well done Logan, great work! 

A huge “Well Done” to Catriona for volunteering to play ‘Auld Lang Syne’ on the piano and to Oliver who played “ Scots Wha Hae” to celebrate Robert Burns Day. We had a guid wee singalong! - head over to our dojo page to watch the full videos.

Well done Kian who is our first start of the week for 2024 🌟

Term 3 Overview

Please click on the purple button link to access our overview for this term. Thank you for your ongoing support support to ensure the children have the best possible opportunities to grow and learn both at home and in school. I look forward to meeting you all at the upcoming parent evenings. 

Week one complete! 

This week we have got settled back into our routines for the the term and worked super hard. 

We partnered up with the other P6 class to share our views on what we would like to learn about this term. We looked at the Es and Os that we have to cover in P6 and had a think about the types of topics that we could study. A lot of us said that we would like to learn about naturual disasters, animals and habitats and science. Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Frances are going to try organise our topic this term to fit with our interests . 

This week have been learning about line, pattern and the colour wheel in art. We used our new knowledge to make these fantastic calendars to start off the year. You can see a few of the finished calendars below. 

We enjoyed a lego money challenge in maths - each brick had a different value and we were given challenges to complete, applying our numeracy skills of place value, addition, subtraction and multiplication. It almost didn't feel like maths 

We were very proud of Catriona and Jennifer who performed with the strings group at our Christmas assembly today. Well done! 

Happy holidays everyone!

This week’s star is Logan ! Well done Logan for demonstrating determination and a positive attitude to leaning .

Thank you so much for all the lovely cards and generous gifts. I hope you all have a great holiday and look forward to seeing you all in 2024.

We had great fun this week making marshmallow snow men. 

Princess Mary Gift Boxes

As part of our World War 1 topic we made some Princess Mary Gift boxes. This was an embossed brass box that was given as a Christmas present to those serving at Christmas in 1914 and was paid for by a public fund backed by Princess Mary. Contents included: packet of tobacco and packet of cigarettes, a portrait photograph of Princess Mary, Christmas cards from Princess Mary and King George and Queen Mary.

Our Stars this week 🌟

Celebration Assembly certificates:

Gregor - was awarded a certificate by Mr Garden for his enthusiasm and skill in social dancing .

Sophie was awarded a certificate for demonstrating maturity and making good progress in maths .

Lucy is our star of the week for working hard to improve her handwriting.

Well done all ✨




Our star of the week this week is Joey 🤩Well done! He has worked really hard this week and challenged himself in his learning. 8/12/23

Open Afternoon

A huge thank you to all the parent's and carers that were able to make it along to our open afternoon today. There was such as nice atmosphere in the room and we were delighted to welcome you in. 

We enjoyed teaching you all about different styles of poetry, researching effective persuasive techinique and analysing our favourite Christmas adverts. Mrs Johnstone was enjoying talking to all the parents so much that she only managed to capture two photographs. 

P6 led by rappers M&N (Marley and Nathan) performed Where is the Love ? at assembly this afternoon. It’s a song about issues such as discrimination, prejudice and hate and the hope for a better world.

Jump over to our DOJO page to watch the video of us in action


12/12/23 - Primary 6 Christmas Party

Yesterday Primary 6 had their Christmas party. It was great to see everyone dressed up in their party clothes ready to celebrate the festivities all together. We had a great morning of Scottish dancing, party games and lots of yummy food! Thank you to everyone who managed to contribute to our food, this was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by all. 

Well it’s official … Christmas is coming ! Our classroom tree is up.

HQAT (literacy) is in school bags today. Could you please return both the activity and cog sheet when you have commented.

Open Afternoon

• Thursday 7th December 130pm all welcome to drop in.

Touch Typing

We have been practising touch typing to help us feel more confident in typing on our chromebooks. It has been really tricky but we have had lots of fun

Congratulations to our Pupil of the month - Holly ⭐️ for always working hard and being helpful and kind and to our star this week ⭐️Marley - for working extra hard and heeling a positive attitude 👏🏻 well done

Our star of the week is Molly! ⭐️

Molly always works hard and demonstrates responsibility, respect and kindness. Well done Molly !

We have been learning some songs as part of our war project and sang this afternoon at assembly in memory of all affected by war. Check out our class dojo for the Video of us singing 

We learned about the gunpowder plot today and begun to create these beautiful firework skylines of Inverness and Glasgow. We Will share the finished masterpieces next week. Remember to stay safe if you are going to the fireworks this weekend and have fun 🤩


My World of Work - Space Junk

Stars of The Week

Our Stars

⭐️ Ellie Anna was awarded week 2 star of the week for working hard to improve her letter formation in writing and being much more focused . Well done EllieAnna.

⭐️Finlay was our week 1 star for working so hard in maths and achieving a personal best on his start of unit assessment. Great work Finlay.

⭐️ Sophie was also awarded week 1 star for making great progress in the accuracy and presentation of her writing . Well done Sophie.

It is always so hard to choose because we have so many super stars in our class working very hard but well done to these stars from the first few weeks back on term 2 .




Wow ! How have we reached the October holidays already ? We have had a great first term with lots of amazing learning and team building. We have lots of photographs to share but our blog is being a little temperamental with letting us upload them (I will get them all uploaded and send out the link).

Congratulations to Eve who is our pupil of the month and Lauren who is our star of the week. Amy Rose, last week’s star has enjoyed having our “purple chair” this week.

Here is a sneak peek at some of our learning fun:

🎖️WW1 Trenches

💷 Real life maths

📜 creative writing sharing

🪇 Dance fun

Have an amazing holiday whether you are at home or away and I look forward to seeing you in two weeks.

Mrs C. Johnstone 

Today we have Fionnadh from My World of Work in to deliver a Space Junk session. 

We learnt about what space just is and how it has build up over the years, causing issues for satellites, space craft and the Earth.

We were given robots and had to to use code to navigate around the Earth and space junk. We found it quite tricky to begin with but once we got the hang of the coding app we were experts!  

Have a great long weekend and enjoy the sunshine. School is closed to pupils on Monday and Tuesday next week for inservice days. We look forward to welcoming all children back on Wednesday. 

Well done to Mattia who was awarded Pupil of The Month at Assembly today for working really hard and  demonstrating increased focus and engagement in his learning.

Well done to Noah who got a star of the week certificate for working hard, avoiding distraction and trying his best. 


Well done to Kenny who got a star of the week certificate for making good choices, demonstrating responsibility and challenging himself in his learning.  


Propaganda in WW1

Propaganda Posters.pdf

We have been learning about propaganda and how it was used in WW1 to recruit men to fight.  The children noticed that the posted persuaded men to join :

By making them feel guilty

Keep your eyes peeled for our finished posters

Spelling / Homework

Many children struggle with spelling even when their reading is fluent and accurate. This can be for a number of reasons. One of the main factors could be due to a poor knowledge of the phonic code and in particular the skills of encoding. 

Reading and Spelling are opposite ends of the code. When reading we decode: breaking the word up into the individual codes to work out how the word should be read. When spelling, we encode: building up the written word using codes attached to the sound of the spoken word.

If we begin by giving pupils a set spelling list, then we are teaching the children to read the words. Not all pupils manage to make the connections between decoding the written word and encoding their thoughts into writing. We need to teach spelling explicitly, modelling the process. The important thing is that we begin by dealing with one word at a time and saying it, not writing it down until the pupil has heard each sound in the word in sequence and has thought about the correct grapheme to represent the sound. Working this way, means that it is possible to teach one lesson, to a whole class providing the differentiation needed for all.

The Spelling Week 

Tuesday -  Identify the focus sound , Choose your key words, Hear it and say it then Stretch it and count it! Write it and mean it! (looking at the individual sounds within each word and what thee words mean).

Wednesday - Repeat Monday plus a closer look at syllables and rhyme. 

Thursday -  Repeat Monday plus choose a couple of words to investigate their parts of speech. 

Friday -  Repeat Monday plus choose a couple of words to investigate the meanings of prefixes and suffixes that were used to grow the words. How did they make the meaning change? 

Monday - Review and  Assessment


This year, homework will be issued on a Tuesday to be returned by the following Monday. This will hopefully give a little more flexibility of whether pupils choose to complete at the weekend or during the week.  Homework will be issued on Google Classroom so pupils can access it even if they are not in school on the day it is handed out. All pupils have a homework jotter to complete any written tasks . Homework will include a spelling focus sound to practise & maths revision. From time to time there may be an IDL task. The focus will be on the "focus sound" each week rather than a list of specific words. Children will be supported to choose words that will appropriatly challenge them and that they may apply to their writing and vocabulary moving forward. The main teaching for spelling and maths will happen daily, in school, with homework acting as an opportunity for children to revise. and retain. 

Here is an example of the phoneme and grapheme chart we use in school to help us indentify the diffeerent ways of making a sound.  

Children can use this chart to search for the sounds they can hear and explore the different ways of encoding that sound. 

Here is an example of letter boxes that the children use on a Tuesday to help partition and break down the sounds they hear within their words, helping to reinforce the spelling patterns and structure of the words. 

Table Top Maths

We have felt like rebels this week , practising our maths on our table tops. We have been looking at multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 and learning some tricks. We realised that if we know the strategy, we can work with huge numbers and it doesn't even feel like maths. 

Some people have been challenging themselves with larger decimal numbers and multiplying and dividing by 1000. 

We have spent some time pinpointing our tricky tables so we can target those this year. 

This term our topic is on World War 1. 

We learned about a man called Archduke Franz Ferdinand who was due to become King of of Austria-Hungary. We were shocked to find out that, before he was able to take the throne, he was assassinated by a Serbian group called The Black Hand. This event was seen as the main cause of the First World War.

We split into groups to find out about the different sides: who fought in the war. We learned about the Tripple Entente and Central Powers and created a map and flags to show the different countries involved in the war and what side they were on. 

Keep an eye on our blog for a picture of our completed display. 

Today, the whole school enjoyed a visit from M&M Productions, who presented the classic story of ‘Oliver Twist’.

Having the opportunity to watch a live theatrical performance was a great opportunity for the children. 

The performance sparked some really interesting conversations around children's rights, needs & wants and Victorian Britain as well as acting and performance. 

This weeek we have been creating our class charter. We have thought about what we want our classroom to look like, sound like and feel like.  Have a look at what we said below: 

18.08.23  - We had lots of fun getting to know everyone in week 1. We enjoyed learning about each other from our "all about me" bags and things brought in.

Miss MacDonald got married over the summer and became Mrs Johnstone. She brought in her wedding veil for us to see and some of us wanted to try it on. 

Despite being in class with each-other last year, we learned lot of new things about everyone. There are lots of people in our class who like: 

Please click here or on the document to the right to access our term 1 overview for P6B. 

P6B term 1 overview