P1/2 Class Blog 2021-2022

Welcome to the P1/2 Class Blog!


P1/2 have been learning about plants and what they need to grow. The boys and girls planted sunflower seeds and have been doing a great job of looking after them. 

Queen's Jubilee Celebration

Dalmore Farm

P1/2 had a lovely visit to Dalmore Farm! We enjoyed seeing all of the different farm animals. Our favourite animals were the goats and the rabbits. 

McCoo Art 🎨

P1/2 looked at the work of Steven Brown. He is a famous Scottish artist who is known for painting brightly coloured animals. Steven Brown’s most famous paintings are the McCoo’s! P1/2 created their own McCoo using brightly coloured lines. The class also named their McCoo! 

Disney Football Coaching

Our P1 and P2 girls enjoyed a Disney football coaching session with Caley Thistle this afternoon!


The P1 pupils have been learning the 'oi' sound and designed their own coins. The P2 pupils made frogs for the fr blend!

Big Walk and Wheel 2022

Our Junior Road Safety Officer has been busy counting how many boys and girls have walked, scooted or cycled to school this week! 


P2 have been learning all about blends. This week they have been learning about the 'cr' sound. They did a super job of making their own crowns! 


P1/2 have been busy measuring! Today, we made paper chains that were 1 metre long. 

Red Nose Day! 

We all enjoyed wearing our PJs to help raise money for Comic Relief! We joined up with our friends from P1 and P2 to play some games. 


The P1 pupils have been learning the ie sound. They designed their own funky ties! 

World Book Day! 

World Book Day

P1/2 have enjoyed doing some special World Book Day activities! We did a book scavenger hunt, reviewed our favourite book and enjoyed reading our stories outside. 

Support Balloons

P1/2 have been learning about mental health, our thoughts and feelings. We discussed that talking to an adult or friend can help us to feel better. The class designed hot air balloons and added the names of the adults and friends they could speak to if they were worried about something. 


P1/2 have loved learning about fractions! We made our very own pizzas to help us learn about halves and quarters. 

Children's Mental Health Week - Dress to Express!


P1/2 were learning about texture (how something feels). We painted paper plates to look like baskets and then used a fork to create a woven texture. We have also been learning about healthy eating so the fruit baskets will remind us that we need to aim to eat 5 portions of fruit and veg per day! 

Number Bonds

P1/2 have been busy learning their number bonds!