P3 Class Blog 2022-2023



Term 4 Learning Overview

Please see all the exciting things we have planned for this busy term ahead. Click here 

Thank you 

Thursday 30th March 

We enjoyed our time in the gym hall today developing our basket ball skills.  The new basket balls were very bouncy!! 

Friday 17th March

Red Nose Day

Everyone looked super dressed in red today!  A big thank you to all for your donations. 

16th March 2023

It's British Science Week and this year's theme is 'Connections'.  The boys ang girls enjoyed completing a 'Bridge Blunder Activity'.  The pupils had to think about the connections between weights, forces and measures. 



We all had a lot of fun. The children moved around the school doing different book related tasks. 


Today we were learning to play a Roman game called Three Men's Morris which became popular in the Roman period


Primary 3 have been learning all about money.  They have been learning to give change and layout exact amounts of money using as few coins as possible.  


Today, we were carrying out research to find out more information about the Roman Soliders.  The boys and girls worked very well together in their groups.  


The boys and girls have been enjoying their gymnastic lessons, where they have been developing their balancing skills.


Happy New Year to you all and welcome back to Term 3! We have a super busy term ahead, with lots of meaningful learning experiences planned. Please access the link below for our termly overview.

Overview - term 3 


A big thank you to everyone who came along to our open morning. It was lovely to have so many of you visiting the classroom again and for the children to share their learning with you. 


We have been learning to tell the time using digital and analogue clocks.  


We had great fun helping to raise money for Children in Need today. At the last count we had raised over £700! A massive thank you to everyone who baked or donated to help raise money for such a worthy cause.


Science - Primary 3 have had great fun investigating how water can change from one form to another.  We know that pure water melts at 0° and freezes at 0°.

Termly overview.

  Please click here. 


Today was Outdoor Classroom day. The weather was on our side so took our learning outdoors.  Using natural materials the children created some fantastic symmetrical pictures. 


P3 have been learning all about the features of instructional texts. Today we had great fun making jelly in class. We thought carefully about the necessary steps involved and next week we are going to write our own instructions for making jelly.  


We hope you all had a lovely, relaxing October holiday. It's been a very busy week and the children have been working hard!   This week we have been learning all about 3D shapes and their properties.  


The Ashie House Group Captains organised a fun dress down day for our last day of term 1.  We dressed in bright, rainbow coloured clothes to raise money for the school to buy more outdoor equipment and toys for the playground. Thank you so much for all your kind donations! 


We had a super morning with two workshops lead by an African drumming group. First we enjoyed watching them perform and then we took part in a drumming workshop where we got to try out lots of different drumming techniques. We then got to learn some different dance moves and danced along to some African drum beats. It was lots of fun!


We made the most of the good weather this afternoon.  The boys and girls did a great job developing their tennis skills.


The girls and boys have been learning all about the properties of 2D shapes.  They enjoyed working together and were able to use natural materials to create their own 2D shapes.  


A  big well done to these star writers. They wrote a fantastic set of instructions!


We read the story 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas, and we explored our own feelings and emotions. The boys and girls went on to link emotion words and emotion behaviours through art.  What fabulous pictures they created!

Term 1 - Learning Overview 

Welcome to a brand new year in P3!  This overview is to share what your child will be learning this term.  See link below.

Term 1 overview.