P5B Class Blog 2022-2023

28/04/23 - Term 4 Overview

Hello, and welcome to Term 4. Please click the link below to view this term's overview.

22/03/23 - McRobert Cup Success!

A massive well done to Kian, Noah and Joey who took part in today's McRobert Cup.

They braved the inclement weather to represent their school and class in the cross country competition. 

The P4/5 boys team came first over all, taking home gold medals. The school were the most decorate school at the end of the event and took home the trophy! A special mention to Mrs Cuthbert and Miss Munro for accompanying the team to the event. 

Well done boys, and everyone else involved. 

14/03/23 - Chocolate Making!

Today was the day we have all been waiting for in P5B - chocolate bar making day!

We have spent the last couple of weeks designing our chocolate bars; choosing our ingredients, name of our bars and the wrappers. 

Today our inventions came to life. We melted down milk chocolate and poured the liquid chocolate into moulds. Then mixed in or topped our chocolate with our extra ingredients.

It is safe to say everyone enjoyed their creations!

03/02/23 - Chocolate Digital Art

This week we have been working very hard on creating pop art style chocolate bar pictures using an iPad app called 'Brushes Redux'

In pairs, we chose one of our favourite chocolate bars and used this with the app to trace, colour and create our own drawings of these. We then added bold, colourful backgrounds to make them really stand out. Have a look at some of our creations below!

27/01/23 - Weekly Round Up

This week we enjoyed our second session from Feis Rois. We love singing and dancing on a Monday morning, a great start to the week! We are looking forward to our next two sessions with Liza! 

For part of our topic this week we had a chocolate tasting session, trying out chocolates that were both Fairtrade and non-Fairtrade. Needless to say, this was a lesson thoroughly enjoyed by all! We have now begun to write a persuasive essay, encouraging people to buy Fairtrade. We look forward to sharing these with you soon. 

We have been, as always, focusing on our spelling throughout the week. We have enjoyed using active approaches to learning our spelling words. Please reming pupils to practise at home ahead of our spelling tests on a Tuesday morning. 

Lastly, I am very much looking forward to meeting you all at next weeks parents' appointments. If you have not booked an appointment but still wish to meet please get in touch with the school office and we can arrange a suitable time to chat. 

Have a great weekend. 

Mrs Francis 


Happy New Year!

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable Christmas break. I can't quite believe that we are in Term 3 already!

We have had a very bust start to our term and have gotten stuck straight into our learning. There is much enthusiasm about our chocolate topic! We also had our first of 4 workshops with Feis Rois this week and we really enjoyed learning some Gaelic songs. 

Please see below for this term's overview to find out all about what we are getting up to this term. 

Mrs Francis 


Open Morning 

Thank you to everyone who came along to our open morning yesterday. It was lovely to have so many of you visiting the classroom again and for the children to share their work with you. 

Also a reminder that it is our Christmas party on Monday. Pupils should bring in their party clothes and they will get changed into them at the end of lunch. Thank you for all the contributions to our party food so far. 

I hope you all have a nice weekend. 


A few messages!

Hi all, just a quick post to share a couple of messages with you all. 

Firstly, I would like to remind you that it is our Term 2 open morning on Thursday 8th December from 9.30 - 10.15am. I'm looking forward to seeing many of you then. 

We are collecting glass jars for an upcoming Christmas craft activity. Some have already brough jars in which is great. If you have any lying about your house waiting for the recycling we will gladly take them off your hands!

Thank you!

Mrs Francis


St. Andrew's Day

Today we had great fun celebrating St. Andrew's Day!

We started off our day learning all about the story of St. Andrew. We read and researched about his story and used maps to find out how St. Regulus carried the relics from Greece to Fife all those years ago. 

We then very much enjoyed taking part in a 'Haggis Drive' (a spin on a beetle drive). Some healthy competition for a Wednesday morning!

In the afternoon we made Scottish themed art with Miss Munro, designing our own tartan and creating pop art style pieces with some Scottish words. 


Welsh Cakes!

Today we made some delicious Welsh Cakes as part of our topic. On the second day of our Charlotte Holmes mystery we learnt about Welsh Cakes in a newspaper from 1940, and how this recipe was good to use in times of rationing. 

We couldn't resist trying them out for ourselves. 

Here is what we thought:

"They were delicious!" - Ollie

"They were good" - Sophie


Remembrance Blackout poetry

This week we had a discussion about why we have Remembrance and why the symbol of Remembrance is a poppy. 

We then looked at the famous poem 'In Flanders Fields' by John McCrae. We used this poem to create our own blackout poetry, choosing the words and phrases from the poem that stood out to us the most. Have a look at some of the great examples. 


Please click on the button below for this term's learning overview. 

WELCOME BACK! - 28/10/22

Welcome to Term 2. It was great to welcome everyone back after the October break. We came back to a freshly painted classroom; we are excited to make our room exactly the way we want it this term.

We have had a great week getting stuck into our learning, and everyone is very enthusiastic after their well earned rest. 

With spooky season upon us, we spent some time creating out own limericks about some spooky characters. Have a look at just a selection of the excellent work that we did. 

Keep an eye on the blog next week for the Term 2 Learning Overview. 

In the meantime, just a note to say our PE days are now Monday as usual AND Thursday. Please ensure your child has their PE kit on these days. Also next week, Friday the 4th, is our last day of our 10 week swimming block. 

Have a great weekend! 


You child's High Quality Assessment task was send home this afternoon.

This term our focus is Health and Wellbeing. We engaged in a task to show our learning of identifying and discussing different emotions using the 'Emotion Works' 5 cog model.

The children and I undertook learning conversations about their work which is recorded on the sheet which has been sent home, along with their assessment pieces.

Please complete the home comments, which should be focused on your child's learning and piece of work. I would appreciate if this, along with the original pieces of work could be return to me next week, before the October break.

Thank you as always for your continued support with your child's learning.

Mrs Francis 


Today, after a dreich walk back to school from swimming, we had a great afternoon with two workshops lead by an African drumming group. 

We first took part in a drumming workshop where we got to try out some different (loud!) drumming techniques. We then ended the afternoon with a dance workshop. We got to learn some different dance moves and danced along to some African drum beats. We had a great time!

BIRD HOUSE - 23/09/22

Today P5B installed a new bird house into our school's Secret Garden. The wonderful bird house in the design of a wagon was created by Mattia's talented Grandad. 

We would like to say thank you to him for taking the time to make this for us, it is a welcome addition to our playground, especially for the birds that visit us here; a cosy place to stay during the winter months!

NUMERACY FUN! - 08/09/22

This week we have had a great time practising place value, addition and subtraction and partitioning skills through a range of active, fun activities. 

We are feeling much more confident with place value and written calculations since the beginning of term, and it definitely showed this week!



This week we had great fun taking our numeracy learning outdoors. This term we have been working on place value, so we took a part in a range of activities to practise this. 

We started with a times tables relay race to get our brains (and bodies) warmed up. 

We then split in to groups to take part in different place value activities. We were practising skills such as writing large numbers in digits and words and we had fun representing large numbers with natural materials and even using our own bodies! Have a look at our pictures below!


We have had great fun this week further exploring Marty the Robot as part of our 'Robots' topic. The robots can be controlled by either an iPad or by coloured command cards which clever Marty picks up on using sensors on his feet. We had fun creating sequences for him to follow and threw in some obstacles to navigate around for extra challenge. Next week we will be using a coding programme 'Scratch' to further develop our coding skills. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to another learning packed week next week!

Mrs Francis 


This week P5B created our class charter, which is focused on the. Rights of the Child. 

As a class, we decided which rights were most important to our class and we created a display for our classroom wall. The idea behind our display is that we are all in control of our rights. Each child designed a games controller and each controller is connect to our classroom "rights console". This is to remind us that we are all part of the same class and each child is entitled to their rights.

We are very please with how our charter looks and the message it conveys and we will refer to this often to remind us of our rights, and those we find to be most important in our class. 

Hello everyone! It has been a fantastic couple of weeks here in P5B. Is has been an absolute pleasure getting to know all the pupils, who have shown great enthusiasm and motivation for learning and the year ahead. 

Please click on the link below to read our Term 1 overview. This will give a snapshot of our planned learning for the term, as well as giving more of an insight into the day to day running of the class.