P7B Class Blog 2022-2023

05.05.23 Coronation Picnic in the sun!

Term 4 Overview and Calendar

Click these links to take you to our Term 4 overview for P7B and a calendar of events for P7 for this term!

Alltnacriche Kit List 2023.pdf
Alltnacriche Information

Our Hoodies have arrived!

SU Scotland is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: Alltnacriche Information - Lochardil Primary

Time: Feb 22, 2023 06:00 PM London


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Meeting ID: 995 9650 9457

Passcode: 446651

Kate Green Inspired Art

Around Burns Night, we have been looking at the artwork of Perthshire artist Kate Green.  Kate very kindly gifted our school a painting 5 years ago and we used this for inspiration.  We looked at the impact of unusual colours in a landscape painting, focused on directional brush strokes and used her icon little white house to add scale.

01.02.23 Caley Thistle visit to ask us to "Let's Connect" for Children's Mental Health week.  

Our class had great fun doing 5 activities a day to support our mental health.  We did some fun football games, learned something new about our classmates and lifted our head from our devices to notice things around us.  We also thought about who we could connect with if we needed support.

Term 3 overview

Click on the doc here to view our Term 3 Overview, sharing the work we will be doing this term and some important dates.

Smartie Maths!

We were all Smarties today in our fractions lesson!  Everyone split their tube of Smarties into their colours and identified the fraction that each colour represented.  We then simplified the fractions, generating lots of discussions about prime numbers as most tubes had 29 Smarties!  And we compared the fractions for each colour to see if there was a colour that appeared more often than others (there wasn't!).  Finally, we identified that all the Smarties are the same flavour, except the orange ones which taste of chocolate orange!

18/11/22 - Stars of the Week

Congratulations to our Stars of the Week this week!  Erin was awarded her Star of the Week at assembly today for the way she uses her creativity and personality in everything she does, and Rebecca was nominated Teammate of the Week for her kindness and hard work!  Well done both!

Term 2 Overview

Please click the icon here to access our termly overview for term 2, detailing events that will be happening, topics we are covering and ways everyone can help at home.

Mrs Kish visits P7

P7 were delighted to have Mrs Kish visiting our classrooms this week.  Mrs Kish is a geography teacher from the IRA and she is doing some geography lessons with our classes this term and next.  This will help us to prepare for transition into S1, getting to know some of the teachers and asking any questions we might have.  We played map bingo which was really good fun and very noisy!

Thank you

Our Dress Up Disco was a fantastic success. We know that many parents donated large amounts of sweets as prizes, provided a range of resources and accommodated our event around work and other evening routines. We appreciate your generosity and commitment to making  the disco such a  huge success.

The pupils were organised, sensible and interacted so well with all the year groups. Everyone knew their role and managed their stalls and discos effectively. We all had lots of fun! A great evening. Well done everyone!

28/11/22 Stars

Congratulations to Cullen and Daniel for winning Star of the Week and Teammate of the Week this week.  Cullen won star of the week for his continuing improvement in maths and writing, and the unique contribution he makes to our class dynamic.  Daniel was nominated by his classmates for teammate of the week for being cool, kind, considerate and for working really well with the younger children at our Halloween Disco.  Well done!!

P7 Teams Rock the Basketball Court!

What a game of basketball we had on Tuesday afternoon!  The skills on show were amazing, great passing and impressive shooting.  A very close game that ended 5-4.  Well done P7B!

(apologies for the dark photos, the nights are fair drawin' in!)

DISCO Arrangements  26 - 10 - 22

Please come along to get set up and organised about 4.30 - 4.45 pm.  

The first disco starts at 5.00 pm.

We will be finishing stalls about 8.00 pm to give you time to tidy up and be ready to leave by 8.30 pm. 

Please know your arrangements for getting collected or to make your own way home. 

Enjoy the fun and hope all your ideas and hard work  will be worthwhile. 

IRA Transition Dates

Here is a list of dates from the IRA for transition events happening in terms 2, 3 and 4.

Transition events and times IRA 2022 -23.docx


Today we got together with the other P7 class and played a great game!  This game looked at some of the issues that refugees and asylum seekers face on their journeys.  

Bridge Building Challenge

In problem solving this week, we were learning to plan and budget while thinking outside the box.  We have a budget of £100 and could use that money to buy card, sellotape and paper clips.  We have to build a bridge over a 40cm gap that would hold the most weight.  Check out our fantastic ideas!

30/09/22 Stars of the Week

Massively proud of these two this week!  Harry has shown improved focus and hard work, particularly in his writing and his key assessment task.  Roddy was nominated by his classmates for being a great friend, always kind and for representing our school at the celebration assembly.  Well done!

23/09/22 Stars of the Week

Congratulations to our Star of the Week Sam, who won his award for making progress in maths and his tremendous support for his P7 buddy.  Ava was nominated Teammate of the Week by her peers for being a great friend and helping others with their digital skills.  Well done both!  

We were also delighted to be invited up to the front in assembly as a whole yeargroup to be recognised for the fantastic job we have done with the P1 buddies.  So proud!

16/09/22 Stars of the Week

Huge congratulations to our two Stars of the Week.  Erin achieved Star of the Week for her amazing art work and attention to detail, and Semaiah was voted Teammate of the Week, a title voted for by her classmates. Super proud!

Divided City

This Term, our topic is Divided City, a novel that explores issues of prejudice, beliefs and relationships.  So far, we have created life sized versions of the main characters as well as discussed the definitions of prejudice and discrimination.  We also created some Charles Rennie Mackintosh themed hearts as the story is set in Glasgow.

Bucket Challenge

For problem solving this week. we were challenged to create a tower with a suspended bucket that would hold the most weight.  We have a limited list of things we could use, and were challenged to think outside the box!

P7 Termly Overview

Here is our Termly Overview of Term 1.  Just click the document picture.  This includes information about what we will be up to in class as well as some key dates and learning intentions.

P1 and P7 Buddies

We have been so proud to have watched our P7s take on a leadership role through our P1 and P7 buddy scheme.  Each new P1 is allocated a P7 buddy, who helps them in the playground and the dinner hall during their first days.  It has been so lovely to see our P7s being responsible and cheerful role models.  We also made cards to celebrate P1's first days at school.

Welcome Class of '23!!