P6A Class Blog 2022-2023

Farewell, Primary Six Superstars!

To celebrate both the term and the year coming to an end , the children had a party where they were able to choose some of their favourite songs to play and dance to alongside some traditional party games such as musical chairs.  

Boys and girls, it has been an absolute privilege to teach you and we have loved watching you grow over the past year.  We know that you will all have a fantastic primary seven and we wish you every success, both next year and beyond! 

Have a lovely summer,  Mrs Richardson and Miss MacDonald xx  

Internal / External Portraits

This week, the children created portraits in class. The task required the children to draw what others see from the outside and their ' internal' which showed their interests and hobbies, pets and anything else that isn't shown to others on a day to day basis. 

 The portraits were passed onto the children's new primary seven teacher in order to let her know a little more about each of the children before she welcomes them in August! Fantastic work, boys and girls! 

Outdoor Learning

We continued to focus on outdoor learning during the past week. Some highlights include a  maths session where the children applied their knowledge of scales. In pairs, they took turns to draw a scale and used an arrow to point to a specific point on it.  The other person in the pair was tasked with working out the value the arrow was pointing to (before the roles were reversed).  They also took part in a nature scavenger hunt;  exploring areas of the playground like 'the willows' and 'the secret garden', to tick off nature related items on their list. 

Sports Day

The sun shone as the children completed a variety of races in front of a hill packed with parents! During the class race, the children worked together, using communication and teamwork skills to move in synergy and reach the finish line.  Well done to all of the P6A superstars! 

Open Morning

The  PE hall was buzzing on Tuesday morning as the children showed off their hard work.  Together with P6B, they had created political parties before creating presentations, manifestos, leaflets and badges to promote their party.  This work had a strong focus on the UNCRC (The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) the the UN Goals for Sustainability.  

A huge thank you to everyone who was able to come in and a big well done to the pupils who demonstrated team work, communication and creativity skills during the series of lessons and the open morning itself. 

Super Caley (Make Lochardil) Go Ballistic 

Today, we welcomed some Caledonian Thistle players, who took time out of their busy training schedules in the run up to the cup final on Saturday, to come and see us at Lochardil. 

 The children were very excited to meet the players and were able ask questions before having them sign autographs.  Good luck Caley! 

Reading Comprehension In The Sunshine

During reading comprehension time, the children made the most of the beautiful sunny weather and took their books outside.  After reading, they created alternative front covers for their novels.  

IDL with P6B

The children have been enjoying applying their creativity alongside communication and teamwork skills during IDL lessons with pupils in P6B.   Full details will be released during the up-coming open morning and the pupils are bursting with excitement to share their hard work with those who can attend.


As it was International Family Day (journée internationale de la famille) on Monday,  the children discussed and drew  their family members before labelling them in French.  Many included cherished pets within their family unit. 

Pupil Achievement

A huge well done to Niall who won gold in a 200 metre running competition at the weekend.  The competition had entrants from all over Scotland and he won two heats before taking part in the final and achieving first place!


The children have just started a block of lessons focusing on measure. Today, we applied multiplication, addition and subtraction skills alongside problem solving to calculate the area of compound shapes.  We also linked the work to roles such as a town planner, architect and builder. 

The King's Cornonation

In the run up to this weekend's coronation, the children took part in a lesson on pointillism (an artistic technique where dots of differing colours are combined to create an image).  This focus was chosen to represent the fact that we will come together to celebrate the coronation of the new king.  

The children used this method to create a beautiful banner that was hung in the school during Friday's celebrations.

Maths and Numeracy

At the start of maths and numeracy lessons, the pupils work together to practise their times tables.   We have recently been working on the eight times table and it would be great if you could support this at home.    

Well done boys and  girls! 



As part of their French lesson this week, the pupils had fun labelling their clothes with the masculine or feminine noun. 


The children had a fantastic last week of Bikeability. They cleaned their bikes, practised signalling and some brave pupils even had a shot on a unicycle! 

Thanks so much for taking the time to teach the children over the last few weeks Nick, Lynne and Mairi! 

Penultimate Bikeability Week

In a huge contrast to the previous week, the sun shone as the pupils took part in a variety of activities.  These included how to look after your bike and moving around a roundabout and corner safely. 

As always, thanks to Lynne, Nick and Mairi  and we look forward to seeing you next week!  

Welcome Back

What a sunny first week it has been! The children have enjoyed making the most of the warm weather by completing their work outside.  Fingers crossed it continues throughout term four!  


This week in Bikeability, the children tried very hard despite the fact the weather was against us! They practised signalling and turning,  working together to cycle one handed (whilst holding a hoop) and cycling around cones which were close together. Well done for showing such good resilience P6 and a huge thanks to Nick, Lynne and Mairi for teaching the children in the rain! 

Maths Fun 

This week, the children have been studying the properties of 3D shapes.  Today, they applied their knowledge (alongside technology and engineering skills) to design pull up nets which turned into 3D shapes.  Some pupils recorded a video showing this in action.   

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Science - Water Experiment 

Building on areas of the children's interest shown during British Science Week, we explored how to make a 'boat' move without touching or blowing it.  We discussed the chemical make up of water and how fairy liquid works (by breaking up water molecules),  before using it to move the 'boat' without touching it.  Fantastic work boys and girls!  


STEM - Marble Runs

The pupils  enjoyed applying their maths, engineering and technology skills to design a marble run within a specific budget.  They showed a huge amount of imagination, lots of perseverance and brilliant team work skills during this task.  Well done everyone!  

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Bike Ability is Back! 

On Tuesday, we were so glad to have Lynne and Nick back after a break due to holidays,  strikes and the  snowy weather! The children were split into two groups before learning skills such as how to move around a parked car safely.  The pupils can't wait for their next session! 

Feis Rois

The children have been enjoying the second block of Feis Rois sessions.  One of their favourite songs to sing has been ' I Chokit on a Tattie',  a traditional children's song from Aberdeenshire. Here is a link to the song in case you wish to listen or sing along at home.                        

I Chokit on a Tattie 

Science Week - Toothpaste Experiment

This afternoon, the pupils were sent a letter from a 'toothpaste company' asking them to create a new toothpaste! They discussed the toothpaste company's needs before using a variety of ingredients such as peppermint flavouring, food colouring and salt to create an effective toothpaste.  Once they were satisfied with the consistency, they tested their toothpaste creations using tomato sauce and turmeric on white tiles.

 They all did a fantastic job. Well done boys and girls! 

Young Carer Action Day

The children attended a special assembly which was followed by a lesson focusing on young carers.  Pupils discussed their own experiences of caring for others and created artwork which shows some of their worries and the steps they can take to help them feel better. Thanks to everyone who dressed down and donated today!

Science Week  - Making Connections Workshop

The children had fun taking part in a coding and robotics workshop.  They discussed the connections between technology, the world around us and how it has changed over the years.  They also learned about coding and how it is used in driverless cars and rovers on Mars. Finally, they used coding to control their own Lego Spike robots!  

Bible Alive

We had our seventh and last week of Bible Alive. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed acting out parables from the bible and the miracles which Jesus performed.  Huge thanks to Effy and Sandy! 

 Refugee Week

The children have been learning about the plight of refugees and created orange hearts to demonstrate solidarity.  They also learned about a charity called Refuweegee and created cards which will be included in packs to welcome refugees who have newly arrived in Scotland.

This week we have  been building on our knowledge of money and finance. We have been learning about inflation, profit and loss. It has really got our brains thinking . 

We have enjoyed learning a little more about the geopgraphy of China whilst developing our mapping , memory,  team work and communication skills . We learned about some of China's features and began to identify some of these features on a map. We started our new class novel: Chinese Cinderella and worked together to create a Padlet of our knowledge, questions and ideas around our China topic, to help broaden our learning.. 

Physical-Geography of China

We have enjoyed Bible Alive workshops and learning more about what Christians believe though Drama, stories and Brittish Sign Language.  Liza from Feis Rois will be visiting us on Mondays to teach us some traditional Scottish music and some Gaelic too.  

Week 1 Term 3

We have had a good first week back! Can’t believe it’s term 3 already.

This term our topic is China.  We have been learning about the Chinese Zodiac and the art of paper cutting. The art of Chinese paper cutting is believed to have originated in China after the invention of paper by Ts'ai Lun in 105 CE. However, long before paper was invented, there have been records of the Chinese using other thin materials such as leaves, silver or gold foil, silk, and leather to carve hollowed patterns.

In maths we have began a new topic MONEY. We have been learning about banks including:

How banks help us save and store our money

How banks make profit and help us save (interest)

 Interest and Interest rates

The money cycle

We have also been revising addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts.

 In literacy this week we have all started some new reading books and have been working on our Blackwell spelling.

In PE this week we have enjoyed handball. 

Happy New Year and Welcome to term 3 of Primary 6. This is always a busy, action packed term. I hope that you all had a fantastic holiday and enjoyed some well deserved rest and relaxation. The snow has certainly made the start of term exciting. I hope that term 3 is one which we can all achieve success, make memories and continue to grow together.  Please find attached our learning overivew for term 3: 

P6A Term 3 Overview 2022

Thank you for your ongoing support this term. The children have been fantastic and have worked super hard. Have a brilliant holiday everyone! 

Last Day of Term Before Christmas

We enjoyed using our craft and technology skills today to create some fantastic wooden Christmas Decorations. We created little Christmas trees using pine cones and hanging baubles. We had to be very careful when sanding and drilling the wood. They will make some great Christmas presents. 

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?

This morning we held our own "Snowman Drive". It was so much much and we enjoyed a little competition. We had to have some quick maths skills to add up our scores. 

Christmas Movie

Our class have voted to watch Home Alone as our Christmas movie tomorrow afternoon.  As this film is a PG, we are asking parents to indicate their permission to watch this film as a treat on the last day of term.  Please click the link below and fill in the attached form.

A Christmas Drama

In RME, we have been have been investigating and reflecting upon  biblical stories. This week, the children had fun demonstrating their understanding of The Christmas Story through drama.

Singing Super Stars

We are so proud of our P6a and P6b pupils!

 Today, they performed Christmas carols and Christmas songs at Eastgate Shopping Centre to raise money for charity. In total, they raised over £145 for the Highland Hospice and MFR Cash for Kids. 

Well done to you all. You were all fabulous.

Thank you so much to everyone who came to support us and for all the kind donations. It is really appreciated.

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P6 Christmas Party!

We had a fantastic time at our P6 Christmas Party this morning!  We danced, played games and enjoyed some fabulous  festive  food!  For more photos from our party, click here.

Pupil of The Month - November 2022

Congratulations to Campbell our Pupil of the Month for November 2022. We are super proud of you. You are a positive role model to your peers and always strive to challenge yourself. Great job! 

Star Pupil Award 26/11/22

Congratulations Orchid! We are super proud of you for working so hard and always taking your time to present your work neatly. 

Where is The Love?

18/11/22 - During Anti bullying week we have been looking at our school values of Love and Respect and their importance. We have had lots of interesting discussions around discrimination , bullying and other world issues that we would like to see eradicated. 

We analysed the lyrics of The Black Eyed Peas song "Where is the Love?" and created posters that showed some of the problems highlighted in the song with suggested actions to help improve them, 

Volcanic Activity

We have been learning about Volcanos as part of our Natural Disasters topic. In science, we created our own volcanic eruptions. 

We learned that lemons are a type of citrus fruit which are known for their sour taste, created by citric acid. Citric acid, like any other acid, is a chemical that has lots of hydrogen ions (H+). These hydrogen ions are what our taste buds recognise as a sour taste. Acids like to get rid of their hydrogen ions, and do this by reacting with other chemicals, called bases.

Baking soda is a base, which means it contains hydroxide ions. When it comes in contact with an acid, such as citric acid, a chemical reaction starts. The reaction neutralises the acid and releases carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. This gas wants to escape the liquid, creating bubbles. This is exactly what you see in our lemon volcano reactions. 


UNIKIDS Assembly 11.11.22

Hollie spoke at assembly this week, along with all the other UNIKID representatives. she told the school that her dream for the future is one in which all children can have fun and live in a safe place. She also read a poem that we have been learning, called: "In Flanders Fields". Well done Hollie! You spoke very well and we are very proud of you! 


COP27 - Art and Design Project

In November, world leaders will come together for COP27 in Egypt for two weeks of global negotiations to help see whether countries can drive forward the urgent action needed to avoid catastrophic climate change.  


In the run up to COP27, Highland schools have been invited to have a voice and share the change they want to see through creative art projects. These will be displayed at Highland Council Chambers during COP fortnight as part of a Mock COP event, and more widely via local media and social media platforms. 


In P6A we have been learning about Climate justice (explained in the picture below)

We realised that the countries who contribute to climate change the least (Global south) are actually  living with the biggest impacts . 

We had lots of discussion about wealth, economy and demands of the global north. Some of the children were interested in finding out more about "fast fashion" and the impact that this industry has on the wider world. 

We did some research and designed our own fashion collection, advertising the impacts of fast fashion on our world. 


Our Climate Collection is being exhibited at Highland Council HQ along with work from other classes and schools to share important messages about real world issues with our councillors. Have a look at the exhibition in the above video. 


Spooky Silhouettes

This week we really enjoyed created some "haunted house" pictures using a range of media. We created out spooky sky background using chalk pastels and practised blending colours together to create light and dark colours. We then used black card to create our haunted house silhouettes , this was quite tricky as we had to trace around our chosen template very carefully then accurately cut our the shapes to create the silhouettes. They look really effective!  


Bowled Over with Success

Well done to our Ellie who achieved her personal best as well as second place in her recent bowling competition .

P6A Term 2 Overview 2022

Starry Night - Van Gogh

Goodbye and Good luck to Holly who is moving to a new school. We are very sad to see you go but we know you will be just fabulous in your new school. Keep in touch and continue to reach for the stars! 

Cross Country Champions

Well done to Niall and Daniel who represented our school at the recent cross country event. Lots of training and hard work went into preparing for the event and great sportsmanship was presented by both boys.

Rainbow Day - Ashie House Event

Thank you to the Ashie House Captains for organising our Rainbow Day today! We had a Dress Down Day, face painting, nail painting and Beat the Goalie!

It was great fun and a great way to raise money for school funds. Well Done!

5/10/22: Open Afternoon - Thank you to everyone who managed along this afternoon. It was really great to see everyone back in school. If you’ve not yet had a chance to complete the feedback form, the link is on google classroom. Miss M 

Safe To Be Me

What a fabulous few days we have had with Scottish Ballet! We developed our confidence, movement and performance skills!  We  celebrated that we are all special, unique and valuable. It reminded us how important it is to treat each other  (and ourselves!) with kindness and respect.  We were learning to communicate through music and it was great fun! We have also been learning about respect and valuing differences through games and through creating our own character .

Water Pressure

Today we were investigating water pressure.

Key words we discussed were: hypotheses, variables, force, pressure.

We found that if water is poured into a bottle with three holes (placed top, middle, bottom) the bottom hole has more force and goes further out of the bottle. Quite often the top hole was just a trickle down the bottom. 


Congratulations to May for achieving a star pupil award for working super hard, finishing all your work to a high standard and being a great friend in our class. 

We worked together to create this fantastic 3D display, inspired by our class novel: Wonder. We thought about what makes us all unique and each of us are amazing! 

We used some precepts from the novel to decorate the lockers and decided to display this in our cloakroom as a daily reminder that we are all capable of amazing things.

Have a sneeky peek around some of our favourite parts of our class.

Wow! 3rd week already! How time flies when you're having fun. 

Check out out highlights from week two in P6A

Please find attached our overview for Term 1 in P6A. All key dates, staffing and class information are detailed here. 

P6A Term 1 Overview 2022
Week 1 - Summary pictures

19/08/2022: We have had a fantastic first week of P6. Please have a look though the slides presentation above to get a snapshot of what we have been up to.  There are also some photographs below. A learning overview for the term will be shared next week. Have a fantastic weekend. 

Hi Everyone, just a wee message to say hello . I am really looking forward to working with Primary 6A this year. This week we are working on building relationships, creating routines and identifyingour strengths and challenges. We will also work together to create our class charter, using our rights to think about what kind of class we would like to have/be. I will post a week 1 update on Friday and our learning overview with more info will be coming soon. If you need to get in touch with me at all please just send me a message on class dojo or call the school office.

Keep an eye on our class blog for updates and sharing our learning journey.