P4B Class Blog 2022-2023

Welcome to our Class Blog where we will share 

the learning in P4B. 


Here are the children that learnt to spell all the Platinum Spelling words in term 1.  Very Well done! 

Talking about Texts - Enjoyment and Choice

Table 2 started us off and were talking to the class about a text they find interesting and explaining why they prefer it. They presented confidently and answered questions very ably.  Great work everyone! 

Louisa and Lottie were awarded Stars of the Week for their class talk. 

Primary 4 were working on innovating our Charlotte Holmes letter today in class. We used our story map to help us with the structure, and we stuck post-it-notes on top to change the letter ideas to whatever we wanted to write about! We had letters to David Attenborough, Liz Truss and King Charles. Check out the pictures of us working hard below. 

Primary 4B have been learning all about the work of Pablo Picasso in our art lessons. We practised our cubism art skills using the "Roll a Picasso." game. We then created our own cubism inspired portraits and painted them in bold and bright colours! We will post photos of our end results next week! Miss Munro can't wait to get these up on the wall. 

P4B were practising their handwriting joins. We had great fun using our whiteboard pens on the tables! You can see from our photos below that we were working super hard and we produced  some gorgeous joins. Lots of fun! 

We were investigating which 2D shapes can tile.

We found examples of tiling in our school environment.