P7A Class Blog 2021-2022

Welcome to the P7A class blog!


Thank you to our parent helpers for 6 weeks of road awareness and safety training. We received our certificates today and are all set to cycle with confidence now.

P7 Carnival

We were so proud of our P7 leaders today, running stalls for the other classes as their P7 Leavers Carnival!  We had face and nail painting, a letter hunt, a feely box, arts and crafts as well as basketball and Beat the Goalie!  Some of our classes were sad to leave after their slot.  I was particularly impressed at how our P7s made the younger children feel, celebrating their attempts and successes so enthusiastically.  A great way to start Leavers Week.  Click on the photo below for more photos, and even more to follow!


SPORTS 09.06.22

The weather was kind to us as welcomed back family and friends to watch our sports. We congratulate Ava and Ross for becoming our Pr 7 Sports Champions and Samantha and Brooklyn on their runner up positions. We flexed our muscles for the Tug Of War and enjoyed our House races. We await the news of winning house group until our closing assembly.

Monday 6th June

Today P7A played problem solving and strategy games in the playground.  They worked with a partner/small group to work out the game rules before playing.  Ask them to show you the games at home.

02.06.22 Jubilee Picnic

Thank  you for a super day of celebration: enjoying our picnic lunch in the sunshine and Ruthven House Captains  Jubilee scavenger hunt. 

02.06.22 Sharing Learning with our Parent/Carers

We are delighted to share a collection of photos of our recent visits to Fairburn and Loch Morlich. We also have some photos of us at work in the classroom, at PE and our Jubilee Door (Solomon Islands). We look forward to our Jubilee picnic later today, and we will share photos of this on our Blog page as usual.




Thank you for supporting our ongoing work and enhanced curriculum 

19.05.22 Term 4 Week 5 Learning

We considered what it meant to be a global citizen and how our UNCRC rights link in with being "world minded". We need to "Learn, Think and Act." We made a rights passport and selected rights we felt reflected being a good global citizen.

We were trying to use Caesar shift wheels  to decode World War 2 messages. It was tricky and we worked together to  solve the puzzles.

Meet some new additions to P 7A

Thank you to Parent Council for the money they give each class. We decided to get some ours on getting 2  fish as class pets! Welcome to Fish and Chips!

P7  -Resilient Kids Programme

Today P7A will be starting the P7 Resilient Kids Programme. Please see the information attached and get in touch if you have any questions. Thank you.

13.05.22 Celebration Assembly

UNCRC Article 29: You have the right to education which tries to develop your personality and abilities as much as possible and encourages you to respect other people’s rights and values and to respect the environment. 

We were altogether for our Celebration Assembly in the hall. We were able to finally get our turn to sit on the benches. 



Arrival time back at school will be 4.30 pm (approx) 

Session finishes at 3.30 pm , bus booked for 3.30 pm departure, so closer to 4.30 pm.

Thank you. 


Just a reminder for LOCH MORLICH 09.05.22

NO WET SHOES provided so please bring  a pair of old trainers or your own wet shoes.

WEAR your swimming suit/shorts under your clothes

Bring the consent form

Plastic bag for wet stuff

Packed lunch 


8.30 am bus leaving the school. 

Back at 4.30 pm. 

Know your arrangements for getting home.         Thank you 

29.04.22     Visit to the Archive Centre World War 2 workshop

It was a perfect day for a walk to the Archive Centre for our workshop. We had a quiz to complete by looking at a range of books, newspapers, letters and photographs from World War 2. We had a tour in the strong rooms to find out how documents are stored. We even saw a bride coming in to get married at the Registry Office as we were leaving!

28.04.22                            Anderson Shelters

We had a creative and productive day making our model Anderson shelters. We worked well as teams, trying so solve problems and use our resources effectively. We had an exhibition at the end of day with Pr 7B.

Pr 7A Term 4 Learning Overview 2022

Pr 7A Term 4 2022 Learning Overview.docx

EARTH DAY 22.04.22

Everyday is an Earth Day! 

We liked this quote, helping us to value and take daily small actions to make a difference to our planet. This year's theme for Earth day is "Invest in our Planet." 

We were reminded about the work we did around COP 26 in Terms 1,2. We looked at the Google search photo from 2000 to 2020 and saw the difference with less ice and snow over that time. We could see clear evidence of melting ice caps. 



Full payment for our trips is due by Friday 22nd April please.

Anderson Shelters - please bring in any resources and materials for your model Anderson Shelters for next Thursday.

Swimming - final block of swimming on Fri 22nd April

Archive Centre - Friday 29th April. We are currently requiring one parent volunteer. All pupils require to have a packed lunch. If you normally take school dinners, we can order a packed lunch for you. Leaving school at 11.45am and returning by 2.45pm. 

Thank you

Happy Holidays!

We hope you all have a relaxing time away from school for a  few weeks. We worked on the Battle of Britain this week, showing our learning by making  model planes and posters. A super display. 

See you all on April 19th for Term 4: wearing  your hoodies. The final term! Thank you for a  great term again.  

Celebrating success

Rosebowl presentations were delivered today in all shapes and subjects. They look fantastic. with lots of hard work shared. We will enjoy reading them and selecting some for sharing with Mrs Kellacher. She will have the final say and make the big decision about who will get the Rosebowl. Everyone can relax now they have it done. 

Well done Thomas - Pupil of the Month! He has  been very focussed, showed improvement with the amout of work he produces and cooperates well.

Thank you to Samuel and Darcy who volunteered to be readers at our Easter assembly today, along with Hannah and Lily from P 7B. Alanna helped with the powerpoint. Ava C and Ava M helped with technical support. 

Heartstone Exhibition 30.03.22

Some of our class have been involved in reading the novel "Heartstone" and created a display for us to enjoy linked with some of the themes in the book.

Our Hoodies have arrived!

Term 3/4 Calendar of events for Pr 7

Use this overview to help keep you organised over the next few weeks. There's lots on!



A copy of this letter was also posted on our Google Classroom last week. If you are able to help then we would appreciate your time. 

VISIT TO – Highland Archive Centre, Bught Road, Inverness

UNCRC ARTICLE 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.

UNCRC ARTICLE 31: Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities


Dear Parent/Carer,

   An educational trip has been arranged for all pupils in P7. With some easing of Covid19 restrictions, we are now able to visit some local places of educational interest and benefit, which helps to enhance our ongoing classwork.

  We have booked a “World War 2 and the Highlands” Workshop at the Archive Centre. We look at sources of evidence to help us find out what life was like during that time and receive a “behind the scenes” tour of how documents are restored and stored.

     The arrangements are detailed below. Please return the slip ONLY if you are able to help. There is no charge for this visit.

You are welcome to contact the school if there are any questions about the arrangements.

Yours sincerely,

A Kellacher

Head Teacher

Date of Visit: Friday 29 April 2022

Details and Destination:

 Highland Archive Centre, Bught Road, Inverness  

Ø  Time of Departure: Pr 7B: 9.15 am                         Pr 7A: 11.45 am

Ø  Session times : Pr 7B 10am – 11.30am workshop Pr 7A 12.30pm – 2.00pm workshop

Ø  Time of Return:  Pr 7B 12.15pm            Pr 7A 2.45pm

Staff  in charge: Mrs M Murray, Mrs J Scotson, Mrs F Hilferty

Further information:   Pr 7A – EARLY LUNCH: NO SCHOOL LUNCHES – PACKED LUNCHES ONLY. These will be eaten before departure.

BOTH CLASSES - Please provide you child with water and a snack.  Arrive dressed in uniform, suitable shoes and clothing (incl. waterproof jacket) for walking to and from the Archive Centre.

We appreciate your continued support in allowing us to provide an enhanced curriculum for your child/children.



PLEASE RETURN THE SLIP  by Friday 1st April  2022 (Only f you are able to help)


  I am able to assist as a parent volunteer on this visit.

Pupil Name ........................................................................................Class (delete as appropriate): P7A/P7B

Name of person able to help ....................................................................... (please print)  

Tel No:………………………………………………………………………………..

I am aware of the need to respect confidentiality and not take photographs or film when on this trip.

I will complete a parent/carer emergency contact form at the office prior to the trip.



PRINT Name __________________________________________                Signed by _______________________________

23.03.22 - NO Swimming session  on Fri 25 March due to an IRA  transition event.  Please see the attached information  from the IRA with some important dates for your diary.

Transition events and times.docx
Parental meeting March 29.docx
Language Letter 2022.docx

A Wish for Peace

We made origami cranes and sunflowers in the colours of the Ukrainian flag and displayed them on our window.  We wanted to share a message of peace,  hope and love. Keep bringing in any donations for our appeal. Thank you for your support.


TRIP Letter and Forms are being shared today  - check "schoolbag mail" for more details. 

18.03.22 RED NOSE DAY

UNCRC Article 23 a child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and, as far as possible, independence and to play an active part in the community. 

UNCRC Article 24  healthcare for children and young people should be as good as possible 

UNCRC Article 29 a child or young person's education should help their mind, body and talents be the best they can. 

UNCRC Article 31 every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts. 

Thank you for all our donations given to support our Red Nose Day event. We know that so many charities and agencies benefit from the money collected. 

 The Duntelchaig House Captains helped us with a quiz and were picking the winners of  the Design A Red Nose competition. Amy's design was chosen from our class.


World War 2 Topic

Have a look at our Evacuee letters, photos, labels and Carrot Cookie baking using a traditional rationing recipe. You should receive a copy of the recipe and a sample of the cookies later today.



YEARBOOK - Baby and Toddler photos

As we start to produce our Leavers Yearbook, we need your baby or toddler photos in by the end of term. 

Some options for sharing your photo are:

Thank you

Term 3 Week 10 March 7th - 11th 2022

This week, we have been looking at propaganda and how it was used to influence the "hearts and minds" of people during the war. It boosted morale and changed behaviours and attitudes. 

We had an assembly about the situation in Ukraine and how we can support the humanitarian appeal to refugees. Please see the information posted and all donations are welcome. 

We are working well on angles in maths. Everyone is making such good progress with their swimming lessons and continue to be well organised and very efficient with getting ready.

Our hoodies order is nearly complete, so we look forward to getting them soon.

Copy of Humanitarian Support for Ukraine (1)


Parental meeting March 29.docx

World Book Day  03.03.22 

We celebrated book and reading today with some class reading personal reading time and a team quiz. 

 We love reading because...

our imaginations run wild; it is interesting, fun and calming; and it helps us learn. 

We loved having Gangsta Granny and Mr Stink with us in class today!

World War 2: Rationing

We have been finding out about why, what, how and when rationing was introduced in WW2. We created a comparison plate of food with some of the typical foods we eat today compared with the war years.


              Our Bookfair has arrived! March 1st – 7th 2022

We are unfortunately unable to open for parents/carers to browse the books this year, but you can still order online. All orders to be received by noon on Monday 7 March 2022.

The following steps will help you select and order books

1.    Please choose (without obligation) which book/ books you would like. Books are viewable online The books - Travelling Book Fairs (scholastic.co.uk)

You will need to pay online at https://bookfairs.scholastic.co.uk/travelling-books/pay filling in the school’s name or postcode. (IV2 4LB)

QR Code



When paying online, you will be given a payment reference number.

2. If you are paying by cheque, please make cheque payable to Lochardil Primary School and send to school office, with details of your order.


3. Finally, please email the school (lochardil.primary@highland.gov.uk) stating your child’s name and class and the details of your order.

Your books will be delivered to your child via school bag mail.

Thank you for supporting our School Book Fair which helps to support reading resources through commission earned from your purchases.

Dress To Express 11.2.22 

We all enjoyed wearing our comfy, cosy clothes today to celebrate our Children's mental health week. We have written metaphor poems about someone we know who helps us to grow when we feel worried, anxious or just need someone to talk to. This supports our mental health development and resilience.  It's safe to say, I'm not okay.

                                            Who Helps Me Grow?

It's safe to say 

I’m not ok 

My dad knows and helps me grow 

He’s a hot summer's day 

He’s a Friday sensation

He’s a comfortable bean bag

He’s is a freshly poured pint of lager 

He’s a piece of caramel melting in your mouth  

He’s a smart suit with a shirt and tie 

He’s the warm water in Greece

He’s an ape in the water 

He’s Fifa 22 that I could play forever 

He’s a bowl of spicy chilli 

He’s a football coach’s  blue whistle 

It’s very safe to say 

I'm not ok.

UNCRC Article 12

 I have the right to be listened to and taken seriously

Time To Talk 9.2.22

We enjoyed a chat and cuppa as part of a "Time to Talk" event this week. We could relax and share with each other. 

Safer Internet Day Feb 8 2022

We used the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools weekly power point to share our knowledge and understanding of this years theme: All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online. 

•Article 19 – The right to be protected from all forms of harm 

•Article 17 – The right to access reliable information 

•Articles 28 & 29 – The right to an education and to develop talents and abilities 

•Article 8 – The right to your identity being protected 

•Article 31 – The right to relax and play 

•Article 16 – The right to privacy 

•Article 15 – The right to meet with others and

 join groups 

•Article 13 – The right to express your opinions 

We created a diorama to show which rights using digital resources and devices responsibly, helped us achieve.

DRESS DOWN DAY Friday 11 February  

 Dress to Express

We are celebrating Children's Mental Health Week in lots of ways this week at school. We would love everyone to come to school on Friday 11th February dressed in a way which reflects something that makes you happy or just using clothing as a way to express yourself. It might be wearing your favourite colour,  your favourite shoes or an outfit that brings you positive memories. There are no donations required. 

We are also using this week and month to focus on the UNCRC Articles which help us to speak about our mental health. 

UNCRC Article 2 No discrimination

UNCRC Article 3 Best interests of the child

UNCRC Article 12 Respect for children's views

UNCRC Article 13 Sharing thoughts freely

UNCRC Article 24 Good health, water, food, environment

INCRC Article 28, 29 Right to education

Please support us with our fun dress down day on Friday. We can all express what helps us to feel great!

                                   Swimming Sessions 4.2.22

Well done to everyone for a great start to our block of swimming lessons. We were time efficient, listened  to and followed all the processes and instructions and had fun in the pool. We were responsible for our own belongings and didn't keep the bus waiting. 

Thank you  to everyone who has paid for the bus costs for the lessons. £2 per week or £20 for the 10 week block. 

IRA Geography 28.1.22

We had an interesting geography session with Mrs Kish from the IRA. We looked at an  Ordinance  Survey map of the Cairngorms and she explained what the brown contour lines represented. We made a 3D model and created a 2D representation of it. The map we looked at was called a topographic map. Thankyou to Mrs Kish for her input and for answering our questions about the IRA. 

UNCRC Article 7:  You have the right to have a name and a nationality.

UNCRC  Article 8: You have the right to an identity 

Celebrating our National Bard

We had a focus on Robbie Burns last week to coincide with Burns Night. We looked at the his life story, watched a Tam O'Shanter animation and attempted our own versions of "Address Tae  A Haggis". We worked in our "favourite food" groups and adapted our English version by including some Scots words and phrases.

Pr 7A Term 3 2022 Learning Overview.docx

                                        Term 3 Week 2

This was our first full week back and we packed lots in. We started our new class novel (When the Sky falls) and Philosophy for Children. We are continuing with our Substance Misuse topic (drugs) for a few weeks. We classified drugs and have become aware of the risks and effects.

Our Learning Overview will be coming out soon and will share more details of our plans for Term 3

Happy New Year from Pr 7A. Good to see everyone today. 

Term 3 Week 1

All Pr 7's across Highland Council area have been asked to engage with a leadership programme based on a values approach. Columba 1400 have produced this initiative to encourage skills development for our young learners. We looked at Awareness and Focus over the past 2 days. We have identified our own set of 6 core values and added these to our Values shields.

Broomiform Fashion Show

Thank you to Darcy and Ava M who designed our Lochardil Sweatshirt for the Fashion Show. They chopped bits off and added glitter to create a very unique garment which was modelled by Robbie. Each class took part in making a sweatshirt from Lost Property for the fashion show. 

The Broom House Captains were selected as our Pupils of the Month for their efforts this term.

Party time!

Christmas Taskmaster

We took part in Christmas themed challenges.  

Term 2 Week 8 2021

We  have had another busy week. We have finished off our Christmas cards and decorations and made our alcohol leaflets.

We are looking forward to our Christmas assembly and  party  on Tuesday. Please remember to bring a snack for the party.

We hope you enjoy our BSL Christmas Video.


It's beginning to feel like Christmas in room 16!

We had a super Christmas lunch on Friday 10th December and we even scoffed some sprouts! We are up and running with our Christmas crafts so look out for some home deliveries next week.

Today P7A thought about how they can respect their own, and other people's, boundaries while enjoying time online.

Christmas crafts continued in the Elf Workshop.

BSL Recording

We were all looking festive for our attempt to record our BSL song for release on Friday 17th December, It might not make it to No. 1 but we have enjoyed making it!

A few pictures from the last couple of Mondays in P7A.  

P7 Residential Trip - Opinions

We are looking at options for a residential trip for our P7s this session.  At this point, we are looking for parent and carer views on the potential to organise a trip and any barriers to children attending.  Please complete this survey by Friday 26th November to share your views.

Term 2 Topic Drugs Education

We have started our next topic: Drugs Education.

We have looked at how harmful cigarettes are to our bodies and some of the reasons people smoke. We watched some adverts from the 1950s, 1960s and 1980s. Attitudes towards smoking  have changed over the years.

Well done Ava!

Congratulations to Ava for her prize winning entry to the Learning For Sustainability logo competition held last session.

Pupil of the Month

well done to Cameron for being nominated by the class for the Pupil of the Month award. He is recognised for his helpfulness, his support and is a valed member of the class. 

Anti Bullying Week Nov 15 - 19 2021

We watched an animated poem called " To This Day" which shared the true story of how name calling can cause hurt and low self esteem, even into adulthood. The theme for this week was One Kind Word. We shared some kind words about each other.

Pr 7A Term 2 2021 Learning Overview.docx

Outdoor Classroom Day     4.11.21

We used outdoor materials to for some problem solving today. We tried the classic puzzle of  The Tower of Hanoi. 

The aim of the puzzle is to move all the leaves into another square so they end up in the same order with the largest leaf on the bottom and the smallest leaf on top. There are some rules to follow.

Firstly only one leaf may be moved at a time.

You may only move the top leaf on a pile. It must be moved to one of the other squares.

No leaf may be placed on top of a smaller leaf.

Some great teamwork and collaboration in evidence!

Term 2 

We recommend that pupils have a change of socks and take indoor shoes please. The change of shoes can be left at school.  We have gymnastics for PE and indoor shoes also help to maintain  a clean classroom carpet . Thank you

Outdoor Classroom Day - Maths

This morning, Mrs Scotson's maths class took part in Outdoor Classroom day, using natural materials to play Nim.  The idea of the game is to take either 1, 2 or 3 of the playing pieces away at a time until your opponent is left with the last piece.  Our pairs worked out their own strategies to make sure they won each time.  Then, we played a whole class tournament to determine our Nim champion.

Term 2 Week 2 Forest of Promises

Each class has  been asked to design a tree and attach some climate action promises on the leaves. We have used some of the lost property, some of the washed crisp packets and some scrap paper to make our "Lost Propertree." We have reused all the materials for our tree. 

We have made our pledges to make a difference to the environment. Let's hope we can keep them!

7.10.21              Climate Acrostic Name Poems

7.01.21   Bike To School Week Poster Winner

Well done Thomas! Enjoy your prize of JRSO  "goodies"  as a prize winner today. 

   Art Term 1 Week 8: Climate Change and Cauliflower Cards

Keep an "eye" out for our super art work coming home soon. We are participating in our annual Cauliflower Christmas  cards fundraiser. We have designed our cards and will be popping them in our schoolbags before the end of this week. If you wish to order then please return the form and original by FRIDAY 29th OCTOBER.  Payment is made online and direct to Cauliflower cards. Thank you for supporting us in this way.

Mrs Munro has been working on some line drawing linked with climate change. We added words linked with climate change around our drawings.

Term 1 Topic - Climate Change and Action

We have tried to have our own "mock* C.O.P. over the past few weeks. We were in groups and were working as different countries. We researched information about our countries linked with sustainability and climate change. We discussed what our countries could do to adapt or mitigate to climate change. We made pledges to each other to improve our actions and donations to the Climate Change Fund (if necessary) We became aware that climate change can affect the poorer countries most, although they are not the countries making the most significant impact to affect climate change.

The tasks were challenging, but this has given us a better understanding of what will happen next month at the real world event , C.O.P. 26,  in Glasgow.

We are trying to understand "climate justice." It is those in poverty, in any country, who are often most affected by the effects of climate change. Poor quality housing situated near industrial sites, lack of money to pay for house or medical insurance, unemployment etc are some factors which can cause  inequality and inequity when dealing with the consequences of climate change. 

We received a  letter from Mother Earth last week. She told us of the pain she is in and how she is coping with how we are treating the planet. We wrote back to her to reassure her of how sorry we are and what we are trying to do now to compensate and change.

Ava C & Siyana r
Letter to Mother Earth

01.10.21   Me and My Rights                            My Rights at Home

We discussed why having  rights at home were important. We shared some ideas for what those rights might be. 

UNCRC Articles 

Article 5 You have the right to be given guidance by your parents and family.

Article 16  You have the right to a private life

Article 18 You have the right to be brought up by your parents, if possible.

Article 27 You have the right to a good enough standard of living. This means you should have food, clothes and a place to live.

We also chose one of our own. 

Litter Duty Term 1 Week 7

It was our turn to pick up litter this week. Once the rain dried up and the wind died down, we all went out to a designated area and worked in our house groups to clear up. 

Collect Our Packets

We have been asked to prepare a short presentation for the Highland Climate Change Conference taking place in mid October. 

We are sharing our whole school project to recycle crisp packets into foil blankets. 


1.10.21 Term 1 Reading

We are enjoying our novels this term and have worked on summarising skills, answering a range of questions about the text and getting into the reading group routine 3 times a week. We also enjoyed taking part in Ness Book Fest today, when we dedicated 30 mins of our morning to reading for pleasure. The silence was broken by the grass cutters outside, but we persevered!

24.09.21   Bike To School Posters

We designed  posters to celebrate Bike To School Week. 

23.09.21 WORLD FITNESS DAY: Fitness Challenge organised by Ashie

Thank you to the Ashie House Captains for the Fitness Scavenger Hunt. We raced round and enjoyed all the tasks at each station.


It was lovely to welcome Mrs Kellacher to Room 16  to  present the House and Vice House Captains with their badges. We hope they will enjoy lots of opportunities to take on extra responsibilities and sharing their ideas, skills and talents with us.

17.09.21  STEM Hub Robotics Workshop

We enjoyed getting out and about again to the UHI campus. The An Lochran, Newton Room was our classroom for the day. We used code to programme LEGO Mindstorm robots. We worked in small groups on circumference and perimeter to complete various challenges. We had a super day understanding the skills we use for STEM linked jobs and tasks. 

10.09.21      Star Pupils

We are delighted to share our Star Pupils for this month. Ayla and Samuel were chosen for their  contributions in class discussions and for their helpful ideas and suggestions. Well done you two! 

09.09.21   Collect Our Packets

Some of us were able to help with the Collect our Packets (C.O.P Lochardil) activity today. The crisp packets had been washed and cut open, They needed to dried and  sorted into similar sizes,  before we could iron them together. We worked together and took turns of using the iron.

We are also getting ready for our visit to the STEM Hub next Thursday. Please remember to take a packed lunch. 

30.08.21 - Problem Solving

On Monday, P7A worked in groups to plan, budget and build a bridge to hold toy cars.  They had limited resources and a strict budget.  We tested the bridges and then spent some time thinking about the skills that were used and what could have been done to improve the bridges.

Class Charter  27.08.21

We selected 6 UNCRC articles to go on our charter to show participation, education, having a voice and keeping healthy. We displayed it with flowers, butterflies and leaves.


Welcome back everyone to Pr 7. We are all set for a super year together. It was great to see everyone dressed in school uniform and with new pencils all set to go! We enjoyed time with our buddies and hope they like the "Welcome to School" card we have made for them. 

We have a range of staff within the Pr 7 team. Mrs Scotson (Pr 7B) and  I are setting for maths, so we work together to deliver the maths and numeracy curriculum.

MONDAYS - Mrs Munro

TUESDAYS - Mrs Murray and Miss Munro (Music)

WEDNESDAYS - Mrs Murray, Ms Gardiner covering for Mrs Murray (on Principal Teacher Management Time)   Mr Dunbar (IRA) for PE

THURSDAYS and FRIDAYS - Mrs Murray  

PSA - Ms Hilferty

More details about the class  and what we will be up to will be shared within the Termly  Overview in the next few weeks.

Please remember to bring PE kit for Wednesdays. Thank you.

We shared our predictions and ideas about our Pr 7 experience. 


We have designed House Group banners for our table groups. We enjoyed having our lunch outside today for  a treat!