P6A 2023/24

Term 4 Learning Overview

Please see below for this term's overview. 

P6A - Term 4 Class Overview

08/02/24 - Children's Mental Health Week

This week is Children's Mental Health Week and today we had local artist Louise Innes come in to our class.

She discussed the work of local charity Mickeysline and then she lead a session based on using mindfulness drawing to help manage our emotions. We loved designing our own zentangles.

Then to end the session we all wrote something about each other that we liked. Some amazing compliments were given out and it helped us to feel appreciated and loved.

26/01/24 - Burns Celebrations

This week Primary 6 have been taking part in some Scottish based learning to celebrate Burn's Day!

We looked at a Burns poem called "Willie Wastle" which was written in Scots language. We spent time translating the poem into English to better understand the story it was telling (we soon found out it was quite an unflattering poem about Willie Wastles wife). 

We looked at other Scots words throughout the week and chose our favourites to use in our pop art pieces to display alongside our collaborative Robert Burns art. 

17/01/24 - Term 3 Overview

Please click on the link below for this term's overview of learning. 

12/12/23 - Primary 6 Christmas Party

Yesterday Primary 6 had there Christmas party. It was great to see everyone dressed up in their party clothes ready to celebrate the festivities all together. We had a great morning of Scottish dancing, party games and lots of yummy food! Thank you to everyone who managed to contribute to our food, this was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by all. 

7/12/23 - Literacy Open Afternoon

A huge thank you to all the parent's and carers that were able to make it along to our open afternoon today. There was such as nice atmosphere in the room and the children and myself were delighted to welcome you in. 

We enjoyed activities such as book tasting, spelling games and some festive anagrams as part of our literacy themed afternoon. Thank you!

15/11/23 - Scottish Book Week 

This week is Scottish Book Week and in P6A we have been celebrating our love of reading!

We have made sure to take a little time each day to relax and read our personal readers. It has been great to see so many of us enjoying books!

Today we teamed up with P3 to do some paired reading. The classroom was buzzing with excitement as we shared books with our younger peers. Primary 6A did a super job and we all really enjoyed this acticity. So mcuh so we have asked to make it a regular thing. Have a look at some of the super reading being shared in class. 

02/11/23 - Term 2 Class Overview 

Please see below for the link to this term's learning overview

30/10/23 - My World of Work - Space Junk

Today we have Fionnadh from My World of Work in to deliver a Space Junk session. 

We learnt about what space just is and how it has build up over the years, causing issues for satellites, space craft and the Earth.

We were given robots and had to to use code to navigate around the Earth and space junk. We found it quite tricky to begin with but once we got the hang of the coding app we were experts!  

26/10/23 - Cross County Success

A huge well done to Roan, Archie, Emma and Alayna who competed in the South Highland Cross County Championships today. 

Archie and Roan took second place in the boys teams, coming home with a silver medal. Emma and Alayna did incredibly well against some tough competition in the girls' races. 

A huge well done to all involved, we are really proud of our speedy four! And a big thank you to Mrs Cuthbert for organising and attending the event, as well as Mrs Lowe from the ELC who also went along to support the P6 and P7 teams. 


Another wonderful week in P6A has come to an end. This week we have been working very hard in all areas of the curriculum. We have also had our first homework set on Google Classroom, so just a reminder that it is due back in on Monday 4th of September. 

This week we also started our topic on WW1 by finding out about how/why the war started as well as the different sides of the war and their ally countries. 

There has also been an update for P6A this week, as Mrs Francis will be back teaching the class from Monday 4th of September. The class are all very excited to be welcoming her back.

A few pictures from our maths stations this week. 

P6A term 1 overview

Here is a link to the term 1 overview 😀



Happy Friday from P6A! We have had a very busy second week back. This week in numeracy we have been learning about place value through a variety of ways, such as whole class games, small group games and some individual work. In literacy we have been doing some visualisation and building on some short descriptive sentences. 

This week we were also lucky enough to have M&M Productions in to put on a showing of Oliver Twist for us. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the performance. 

To add to the busy week, this afternoon we had a short assembly led by Abby from Kooth to show us a website for ages 10-18 that can provide anonymous support for any mental health issues. The main takeaway message from the assembly was 'no issue is too small'. We had a chance to have a look at the website in more detail back in class and I have attached some parental information packs in the Google Classroom. 

Just a reminder that our PE days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. We have also agreed on homework for this year to be handed out on a Tuesday and handed back in on a Monday (starting next week). 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

18/08/23 Welcome to the P6A class blog!

We have had a fabulous first week in P6! We have had lots of 'getting to know you' discussions and activities. We have also harnessed some of our artistic skills by creating some wonderful self portraits and graffiti boards to decorate our classroom with, and of course we have had a chance to explore our new Chromebooks.

Our PE days this term are going to be a Tuesday and Wednesday, however a slight change of timetable next week means we have got PE on Tuesday and Thursday instead. 

Here are some pictures of what we have been getting up to this week, along with a fabulous class picture: